Sunday, December 20, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Midterm Already!
I cannot believe it is already the middle of the semester! It is pretty amazing how much I have already improved with my drawing since the first day of class when I go through my sketches. I can definitely tell how clueless I was on the first day. I didn't know that I needed to start from the inside and work my way out instead of drawing an outline and working my way in. When I look over my collections of drawings I can see that one of my strengths is working with the rib cage, especially in my longer drawings. The torso is becoming more defined as I progress through the semester. I also think I am getting better with my line variation with my longer drawings, but not so much in my gesture drawings which all pretty much are one thickness only. Something else that is becoming a strength is my proportion of the figures. When I first started out I didn't really know proportions well but after working with the pelvis and ribcage it has helped me understand the size of the torso. My main weakness is still the pelvis area however. I understand the proportion of it, but when I look at the model I have a hard time understanding how I am supposed to draw it because it isn't something that is really visible. One more thing that is a weakness of mine is that I still have a slow pace in the gesture drawings and I would like to pick it up. I think I need to learn not to think so much sometimes and just draw what I see and stop second guessing myself.
When going over my manikin I know I said how much I hated it the first time we had to build muscles on it, but it is growing on me. One of my strengths with that is I have patience to work with it so I really focus on all the shapes and connections of each muscle and trying to understand how it functions in my own body. A weakness of the manikin is making the quads look like they are supposed to. There are so many muscles and it took me a while to understand the position of each.
There are a lot of things I would like to learn and get better at by the end of the semester. Besides the weaknesses I talked about above, I would like to learn how to draw feet, especially when I need to foreshorten them because they tend to look like ducks feet. One more thing is I would like to improve my contour drawings and understanding the surfaces of the body. Overall I really enjoy where this class is going and I am glad I chose to take it.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
For our muscles this week we worked on the legs doing the quads and hams. I spent my Saturday night constructing muscles while the rest of my friends went out, somewhat lame I know. I was really interested in doing this one even though it was a lot of muscles to deal with. I never really realized how many muscles were actually involved in making the leg work, I just always assumed it was a few big ones.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
I thought I might like this whole clay muscle thing, but it turns out I absolutely hate it. It was really frustrating for me to build the muscles on what they were supposed to look like and I struggled quite a bit. I feel like the whole thing doesn't look like it's supposed to and I am having difficulty getting the clay to actually stick to the mannequin. I hope it gets better from here because this is only our first clay assignment and I have to do the whole body. I am going to make this entry short and sweet because I am only ranting and I do not want to do it any further. Until next time.
Monday, September 21, 2009
it's my very first life drawing experience!
This first week has been kind of crazy for me and I found out I have a lot of learning to do. Amy was right when she said line drawing was a lot harder than any shading. I used to think I was a pretty decent drawer but I am finding out I am struggling with this kind. The full body pose is one of the first gesture drawings I did, which I found out wasn't really a gesture drawing at all, and that makes me laugh a little. I am starting to understand that I have to focus on the way the core of the body curves rather than just drawing and outline of what I think I see. Hopefully next week I will have better examples of that because I am still working on how to do that.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
...and we're back!
I am excited to say this is my very first blog I have ever done before!
I am a graphic design student and am actually graduating in December, a date that came along really quickly. Life drawing always made me a little nervous because I do not really have any experience with drawing people, but I guess that's what the class is for right? I am interested in the new technique of drawing because I tend to draw everything really